Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Day!

Took the kids to a pumpkin patch earlier today. They had a blast seeing
palletts and palletts of pumpkins. We were able to get some good pics of
the little monsters too.

They each got two "baby" pumpkins as Gracie was calling them. Also got a
big pumpkin we took home and put on the front porch.
--Nick Cates

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pictures from Rescue Training

We had Rescue Taining on the 7th this past month. I was really interesting and I learned alot of stuff. I also got to play with some new toys.

We lifted a mass transit bus, which was a simulation if a car was stuck underneath one. We also lifted the bucket off a backho using a low pressure air bag.

We also got to get out the cutting tourches. I've never used one before so it was really intersting for me learing how to set one up and start it and then actually cutting with it.

Trying to burn some brush out of the way

Henderson cutting stuff up

Just likes to play all he can

Lifting the bus

Weisberg on the controller that lifts the air bags up

The finished product

Henderson is in charge - I'm on the controller

Doin it baby

Sunday, October 5, 2008

First In!!

Last night we had a garage fire and we were first in. It was in Station
2's run area but they were getting fuel and out of pocket. We were by
our selves for just a couple of minutes. It was a good garage fire. Fire
was coming out the windows and out of the front door.

A couple of hours later we had a dumpster fire. It was gettin it for
being in a little dumpster.

Last shift was a great shift!
--Nick Cates

Friday, October 3, 2008


The past week has been VERY busy for the Cates family. We have was kindof a last minute deal, but it is a better place for us to be at. We're right next door to great friends and across the street from Melissa's Grandma's house.

The house is AWESOME and I'm gonna post some pictures of it, especially the deck when we get everything moved in. And with all of our junk that will be some time next month.

Also, I found out yesterday the I'm gonna be an Uncle again. My little sister Jessica is with child!